How to Make a New PO and Import PO Items from Excel
Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02311 Created: 2015-10-15 07:50 Last Updated: 2015-10-15 09:19 |
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- Make a new PO (with 1 line items.
- Purchasing > Add New PO
- Enter the Supplier Name
- Enter the Bill To Company (which is you)
- Enter the Ship To Company / Location (which will be where you want the items shipped to)
- Enter other fields like the Date, etc
- ADD 1 single line item for ANY ITEM you choose, with a QTY Ordered = 0 (this will make sure the PO doesn't get deleted if you close it without any line items)
- Create an EXCEL Export File (so you know the EXCEL import file FORMAT/LAYOUT)
- With a PO (with line items) OPEN, click on the Functions button and then click Export to Excel. (This will create an Excel export file and automatically OPEN up the folder the file was created in. Sort the files in the folder by date order and you will see the file on the top or bottom of the list. It should show the PO # as the last part of the file name.
- Print out the SAMPLE EXCEL Export file you created in step 2 so you have an example of the column names that you will need to add to YOUR EXCEL File.
- FORMAT your existing EXCEL file of ITEMS that need to be imported into the PO.
- STORE your ORIGINAL copy of the Excel file in a FOLDER you have created to store (preserve) your Excel files in their ORIGINAL format.
- COPY whichever file you want to import (into memory) by selecting the File and pressing CTRL+C.
- PASTE the file into the FOLDER you have created to store COPIES of your originals (by pressing CTRL+V) and then RENAME the file (by right-clicking on it and selecting Rename) add --ToImport on the end of the file name (so YOU can keep the files straight in your mind).
- OPEN YOUR Copy of the Excel file and INSERT a new ROW at the TOP of the Excel file to use as a HEADER row. (Click on the #1 in the top left corner (to HIGHLIGHT the 1st row, and then Right-Click on the #1 and select INSERT).
- NOW PREP the file for IMPORTING by DELETING all HEADER ROWS (except the one you just created) that do NOT contain the actual item information. (Click on the #2 row and drag down until you have all ROWS highlighted that you want to DELETE and then right click the selected rows and click DELETE).
- NOW DELETE any columns that have data that is not applicable to IMPORT. (Click on the column heading, such as A or C etc and then right-click and select Delete).
- Open YOUR COPY of the Excel file and MOVE the columns into the same ORDER that the columns are in the SAMPLE file (that you PRINTED for easy reference).
- For instance, if the SAMPLE EXPORT file has OurItem as the first column, then you will need to move YOUR item #, in YOUR EXCEL File over to the first column in YOUR file and NAME that column OurItem, and so forth.
- ONLY CERTAIN COLUMNS really matter. For instance, the OEM #, the Partslink #, etc DONT matter. You just need to get these columns, in this order:
- Column 1 - Item Number (NOTE: NONE of the columns have to have the exact COLUMN NAME--they just have to have the right DATA in the right column).
- Column 2 - Supplier Item Number
- Column 3 - Item Description
- Column 4 - No data needed
- Column 5 - No data needed
- Column 6 - Supplier Cost
- Column 7 - No data needed
- Column 8 - No data needed
- Column 9 - No data needed
- Column 10 - No data needed
- Column 11 - No data needed
- Column 12 - No data needed
- Column 13 - Qty Ordered
- Column 14 - Qty Shipped (Make sure this qty is the same qty as Qty Ordered in Column 13)
- FINAL REVIEW: The spreadsheet, when ready for import, should have only rows of data (with the exception of the Header) that contain Item Information, in the proper order, as shown above.
- NOW CLOSE the file so OneSource can access it without have a write conflict.
- SAVE YOUR Excel File you have just modified in step 3 above
- CLOSE YOUR Excel File (but make NOTE of WHERE you stored the file on your Server).
- OPEN THE PO you want to import ITEMS into.
- Click IMPORT FROM EXCEL and then browse for the