
How to import and view Supplier Inventory Levels in OneSource (available to sell, but not in your own physical warehouse)

Author: Steve Childs Reference Number: AA-02214 Created: 2014-11-14 14:12 Last Updated: 2014-11-14 14:12 0 Rating/ Voters

1 time setup (for each Supplier)

  • Create file links
    • Designate a static (unchanging) file name and file location and file structure that you will use each time you want to import new data.
      • Example: C:\OneSource\Data\SupplierData\SupplierXImport.xls  (put that file in that location, with the same file structure, meaning same columns and headings, etc)
    • Open up the Company Data File and create a LINKED table that links to that Excel file (or whatever type of file it is)
  • Setup a new Warehouse in OneSource for Supplier X  (note the NAME that you give the warehouse in the BLACK field)
  • Create 3 Queries:
    • @Daily_Inventory_SuppX_10_DeleteExisting
      • Delete all records from Inventory Products where Warehouse = X
    • @Daily_Inventory_SuppX_10_AppendNewerInventoryLevels
      • Append all records from LinkedTableX into Inventory Products 
    • @Daily_Inventory_SuppX_10_ViewNewerInventoryLevels
      • Select query to view all Inventory Products records where Warehouse = X
  • Create 3 new Query Short-Cuts on Users Desktop (and put into a new folder called Import Supplier X Inventory Levels
    • Right click and drag each of the 3 queries out to user desktop (and rename to whatever you want to call each query and put into new folder).

To Delete and Re-Update each day...

  • Run the Delete query.
  • Run the Append query.
  • Run the VIEW query, if you want to double check what just got imported.