How to export and import an Excel file of items using the Auto PO
Author: Steve ChildsReference Number: AA-01915Created: 2012-07-11 17:24Last Updated: 2013-08-23 15:39
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As of version 4.1.1231.66, on the Auto PO detail screen (on the Functions button) and on the Purchase Order (Functions button) there is an option to create an Excel export file. The following bullet points show which column headings need to be in place (before using it to import back into OneSource):
OurItem (This is the main Item Number for an item in OneSource)
SupplierItem (This is the Supplier Item Number that is linked to the Item Number in OneSource)
OEM (This is the OEM # for the Item Number in OneSource)
PartsLink (This is the Partslink # (ManufacturerItemNumber2) for the Item Number in OneSource)
SupplierCost (This is the Supplier cost for the Item Number in OneSource)
SupplierRetail (This is the Supplier's List/Retail Price. This will be imported into the Suppliers item number that is stored in (or linked to) the Item Number in OneSource)
Make (This is the primary 'Make' field for the Item Number in OneSource)
Model (This is the primary 'Model' field for the Item Number in OneSource)
YearRange (This is the primary 'Year Range' field for the Item Number in OneSource)
CuSqFt (This is the 'Cubic SQ. Feet' of the Item Number in OneSource)
CasePack (This is the 'Case Pack' of the Item Number in OneSource)
QtyOrdered (This is the field that will be imported into the PO Quantity Ordered field - on the related PO, when applicable)
QtyShipped (This is the field that will be imported into the PO Quantity Shipped field - on the related PO, when applicable)
BinLocation (This is 'Bin' field of the Item Number in OneSource - exported so the Manufacturer can print Bin locations on labels affixed to the items)