
How to export OneSource Sales Order information into UPS WorldShip

Author: support staff Reference Number: AA-01234 Created: 2011-02-21 22:55 Last Updated: 2013-08-23 14:54 0 Rating/ Voters

(Outdated and/or Obsolete as of 4/10/13???)

After UPS WorldShip is properly installed on a PC and OneSource is setup for use with UPS WorldShip, follow these steps to export the Sales Order number and Sales Order Shipping address information:


  1. Create a Sales Order for the desired customer with the needed inventory items, etc.

  2. Select one of the UPS shipping methods from the Shipped Via field (in the header section of the Sales Order).

  3. If necessary, click on the Quick Display of the left side of the Sales Order and select the Shipping Info option.

  4. Select a valid Package Type.

  5. Click the Ship With UPS WorldShip button to start the export/communication process between OneSource and UPS WorldShip.

  6. When prompted, select Yes to continue the process, then OK when the shipping information for the order has been recorded.

  7. Next you will be prompted to open up the UPS WorldShip Batch Utilities form (which is required to finalize the export process). Click Yes to proceed or No to handle the batch processing at a later time.

  8. If you clicked Yes (or if you click on the UPS WorldShip Batch Utilities button at a later time), follow these steps to finalize the export process:

  9. When the Step 1 - Load Shipments Into Batch status is highlighted in red, click on the Process Step button to process Step 1. (This will load all flagged Sales Orders onto the list of Sales Orders to be processed on the Shipping Batch tab).SHipinto thebatch work area. (Click Process Step to execute Step 1)

  10. When the Step 2 - UPS WorldShip Batch Import status is highlighted in red, click on the Process Step button once again to process Step 2.

  11. Note 1: If UPS Worldship is not open, you will be prompted to allow OneSource to open it up.  You will then need to go back to OneSource (using your mouse or by pressing ALT+Tab key combination on your keyboard). You will then need to repeat Step 2 again by clicking on the Process Step button again.

  12. Note 2: Be sure to wait for UPS Worldship to complete the import process (which may take up to 15 seconds)

  13. Note 3: DO NOT PROCESS  STEP 3 UNTIL PROCESSING THE BATCH FROM WITHIN UPS WORLDSHIP. No other UPS shipping activities should take place within OneSource while processing a batch.

  14. Once the batch has been processed, OneSource should open up UPS WorldShip automatically. (If UPS WorldShip is not open then open it from the desktop)

  15. Inside of UPS WorldShip, choose Pickup Log from the ToolBar.

  16. In Pickup Log, expand the tree under Imported Shipments. (Note: If Imported Shipments is not there an error has occurred.  You have the option of trying to repeat or troubleshoot the process or manually importing the Sales Order).

  17. With the mouse, click on the individual shipment you want to process. (This may require that you click on a few "+" buttons in order to see the individual Sales Order).

  18. With the mouse choose Edit/Reconcile Shipment.

  19. UPS WorldShip will ask you to confirm your selection. Click Yes.

  20. UPS WorldShip takes you back to the Shipping screen. From here you need to verify the Shipment details and Package Type options. Additionally you will need to enter the weight of the package. Once you have completed the details you can click on the Process Shipment button.

  21. The Batch process is now complete.  Once a particular shipment actually ships the tracking number will be updated back into OneSource for reference, by following the steps to finalize orders and import tracking numbers into OneSource.


ID: A1130